One day Practice with Pomodoro Technique

Sufyan Asmat
2 min readApr 13, 2022

‘Eat that frog with a Pomodoro’ an idiot I didn’t familiar with an earlier and very new term for me. A technique based on 25 minutes without any interruption with full intensity on one specific task until the timer is completed. We need to write down any distractions in our minds and focus on our tasks. In the end, we will find more productivity.

This technique was so difficult for me, in my comfort zone, only have one medium to use and that is Mobile with social media. While starting this activity, I was thinking it will be more difficult to throw my mobile and focus on one specific task.

Photophobia and Phonophobia in reports

I have gone through such a situation where it was hard for me to leave my mobile, photophobia, and phonophobia at the same time.

The picture described all two situations without Pomodoro and with the Pomodoro technique. Without Pomodoro, my focus isn’t clear, easily distracted on the other, with Pomodoro I’m more clear about what I’m thinking.

With the Pomodoro technique hard to distract, in normal life it’s very easy to get mobile in my mobile and start to watch endless social media, spending time on WhatsApp to chat with different friends. It is easy to get a flow and focus on a specific task and achieve it within the passage of time.

This technique will be very helpful for me to lemmatized phone, I will definitely use this technique perhaps it is hard to implement. By using this technique, I can focus on a specific task. Now time to implement this technique on regular basis.

